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Allergy: What can Naturopathy and Detox

In the spring, many of us exacerbate rhinitis and conjunctivitis, the work of the intestines worsens, the condition of the skin deteriorates. And the awakening of the body after “winter hibernation” is often tedious. Homeopathy, naturopathy and detox will help to cope with problems in a matter of days.


  • Elena Gorbunova, Home-Home-Home Power, Medical Center “Health for you”
  • Vitaly Lisnitsky, dietitian, medical “Avicenna”

Allergic rhinitis

The mood is beautiful, but the eyes suddenly blushed and tears appeared? If at the same time it is in the nose of itching and I want to sneeze literally for everything, then an allergic rhinitis has begun. The cause of such an allergy can be plant pollen, ordinary dust and even a neighboring cat. Stop tears help antihistamines. But there is a way to prevent ailment.

For example, rinse your nose with sea water. Minerals and salts of sea water remove harmful substances from the body, thereby contribute to its purification. Washing the nose helps to free the mucous membrane from dust and pathogenic and dangerous microbes, moisturize and restore breathing.

What to do: In a glass of warm boiled water, dissolve 0.5-1 hours.l. sea salt, food or purified sea, which is sold in a pharmacy. The water should be as salty as a tear. The easiest way to rinse is to dial water in the palm of your hand, close one sinus with your hand and drag the solution into your nose freely. Repeat the same from the second nostril.

The antiseptic possibilities of eucalyptus essential oil appear very brightly. In contact with the air of its substance, ozone is produced, under the influence of which all bacteria die.

Going out into the street, you can also grease your nose with aromatic oil. Most of them have anti -inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal effects. The plus is that the improvement occurs immediately after application. The easiest and most effective way is to lubricate with a drop of aromatic oil wings and a place under the nose. Or do it differently: drip a little oil or a mixture of oils on a handkerchief and the first allergic manifestations inhale the aroma.

It is beneficial in this sense of eucalyptus oil, it relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. You can use it in combination with oils of bergamot, anise, tea tree, geranium, thyme and mint.

Spring detox

In the spring, the so -called “food allergy” can begin, that is, intolerance to certain types of products. These phenomena can be accompanied by excess weight, redness of the skin, chronic fatigue and impaired work of the stomach and intestines. All this is a consequence of one problem – the accumulation of toxins. It’s time to cleanse the body of toxins. To do this, you will have to eat less (and only light food) and drink a lot. If you follow the rules, the body will be free from the accumulated cargo in just three days.

What to do: Prepare detox-drinking hydrome. Per liter of water – juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of honey. You need to drink it a lot and often, including in 20-30 minutes before each meal. Such a cocktail is perfectly clear the blood and the first noticeable sign will be a beautiful complexion and disappeared pimples.

As for nutrition, you can adhere to different diets: Ayurveda, vegetarianism, raw food diet. Or act on a simple principle: the closer the summer, the more in the diet of vegetables, herbs and fruits and less meat.

Fatigue and drowsiness

Strange, despite

the fact that the mood improves noticeably in the spring, for the body awakening after “winter hibernation” is often tedious. Fatigue has accumulated, drowned, even the bright sun does not always invigorate.

What to do: drink a course of vitamin C. This is the most invigorating natural trace element that literally fills the body with energy. In order to properly “recharge”, it is necessary to take vitamin for three weeks. First with a dose of 500 mg, and after a week to reduce the level to 250 mg in the morning and evening. It is noteworthy that the intake of vitamin C does not affect the course of biological watches, it will not interfere with sleep. Vitamin is useful to give children with exhausted study, it will improve physical activity.

300 times more vitamin C in rosehips than in citrus fruits. In a dried rosehip – up to 1,500 mg per 100 g, in orange only 50 mg.

Ginger is also extremely useful in the spring. It is scientifically proven that ginger acts favorably not only on the stomach and digestive system, but also on the respiratory system. Its detoxification properties help cleanse the body, including from the residues of chemical drugs, and improve blood circulation.Tea based on this plant will literally breathe life into the body, clarify the mind and fill with energy. In addition, ginger is an excellent antiviral agent, it can be used as a prevention. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance.



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